Cultural Diversity - Defined

Cultural Diversity is similar to multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is defined as the view that cultures, races and ethnicities particularly those of minority groups deserve special acknowledgement of their differences within a dominant political culture.   


The picture beside shows an example of cultural diversity or multiculturalism and now we are going to talk about the importance of it in the field of education.








The importance of cultural diversity in Education


Cultural diversity is important in every setting in life, but it can be even more pivotal when it happens within education. Students around the world have the right to equal access of quality education, and as such, there are many upsides that come along with it when institutions believe in the power of diversity. Cultural diversity in education helps to support:



1. Deep Learning

Learning happens within the curriculum and outside of it. With a diverse student population, students have the privilege of gaining more understanding about people and backgrounds from all over. This also contributes to diversity of thought and perspectives that make learning more interesting and dynamic.


2. Confidence And Growth

When students participate with people from varied cultures, it provides them with more confidence in dealing with things outside of their comfort zones. It can build strength of character, pride, and confidence.


3. Preparation For The Future

If a workplace has done the necessary work, it�s bound to be culturally diverse. Attending a culturally diverse institute of education will prepare students for their future in a workplace.

Benefits of cultural diversity

  1. Compassion: Communication and understanding of differences leads to increased compassion instead of judgment.
  2. Innovation: Varied perspectives and lens of looking at the world lend to innovative thinking
  3. Productivity: People who come together and bring their own style of working together tend to support a more productive team.

    The world is filled with people who have different beliefs, religions, traditions, and ways of living. It is within our differences that we can find beauty. Both in educational and professional environments, cultural diversity benefits everyone. It paves the way to better problem-solving, more empathy and compassion, deepened learning, and approaches the world from various perspectives





























Muhammad Ali Akhtar


Cultural Diversity (Idea from belief 3)